Opening Hours.
We are open every weekday from 9.00am to 9.00pm. We have a number of accredited and experienced therapists working with us and we try to facilitate you with an appointment at a time that will be convenient for you.
To request an appointment just get in touch using your chosen method.
To make contact with us you can choose any of the following options:
Call our office on 042 9331803 or 086 0381073
Email us at
Or if you prefer us to call you just fill in the following details and well be in touch:
If we telephone you for any reason we will not leave a voicemail for reasons of confidentiality. We will begin every call by checking with you if you are free to talk. Your comfort and confidentiality are our first concern.
Fees are €60.00 for a fifty minute session. This is negotiable for students and unemployed. We also have limited availability for low cost counselling at €25.00. VISA and Laser payments are accepted.