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Christmas and New Year opening times 2020/21.

Counselling — admin @ 4:32 pm

Christmas and New Year opening times 2020/21.

It has been a mad year. Nobody could have predicted what happened and what we have all had to endure. Beginning in March we had to shut and stay shut for nine weeks. We found ways to keep in touch, voice and video consultations. We spoke from home to people in their homes, their kitchens, bedrooms, from their cars and who had to go for a walk to be able to talk freely.

Nobody could have predicted how well it worked for many people. It wasn’t for everyone and many were glad when we were able to open our doors again and free to meet face to face. We managed this with protocols to sanitise and disinfect and come together safely as best we could. That effort involved taking responsibility which was embraced by therapists and clients alike. We feel proud at how this has worked out and are grateful to each client who took responsibility for every other client and for all of us who pass through this special place.

What we have seen this year is resilience and adaptability. It is a tribute to the human spirit to witness how people have found ways to manage all the challenges that the year has thrown their way.

This year, more than any other we have been humbled by the work, by the trust you place in us and by the value which you have placed on your therapy and your therapist. More so than ever before we found ourselves being asked ‘How are you?’. We are glad to have come through this testing time together. It is not quite over yet but we look forward with hope to the new year and an eventual return to something like normal.

So, we’re taking a few days off to revive and reset. We wish you peace and good health and look forward to working with you again in 2021 and beyond.


We’ll be here until Wednesday 23rd of December at 6pm. We’ll be back after the break on January 4th 2021.

We are not an emergency service. We will keep an eye on the email and voicemail messages over the holiday and will be on touch to make appointments in the new year.


Thanks again,


Counselling Connections.

tel. 042 9331803 mob. 086 0381073

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